Nike Women's tempo running shorts! I love them! I like to wear short shorts, and have my legs free when I run. The don't ride up or down while I'm running, the moisture wicking is great & theres even a little pouch inside for a house key if I'm just going out for a short run.
Body Glide. essential for preventing chafing & uncomfortable rubbing. I use it between my thighs, on the arches of my feet & toes to prevent blisters & on my arms if I'm wearing a tank top.
This is my fuel for long runs. I tried the Gu, Clif Blocks, and even mini luna bars. These were definately the best thing for me. They are sweet, but the flavor is good. I like the texture, they are easier to chew than the gummies or blocks. I usually take a swig of water with them, and chew them pretty easily. I have a pretty sensitive stomach and they have NEVER upset it.
My favorite running shoe. I think I started using these before I even knew any better & loved them. Then a couple years ago I went to a shoe store to be fit & measured & analyzed. They told me what I already knew, these were a perfect shoe for me! I wear my own orthotics inside, but they are good, stable, supportive shoes. I don't know if I'd ever try anything else.
My other essentials are my running belt for long runs. I have a water bottle on it, and keep my beans, chapstick, & either a cell phone or camera depending on the race. Hope you guys enjoy checking out my favorite things!
I had my WI today and was down 3 pounds!! So excited, I am treating myself to a manicure today :) I also treated myself to a massage yesterday. I signed up for a monthly membership at the massage place so I got yesterdays for free & the membership gives you $20 each massage you get. I think that will be a nice monthly reward to give myself for working hard.
I've been in a much better mood the last 2 days since Kevin & I talked on tuesday. He said he wants to see me tonight after dinner, so I am looking forward to it. Today I need to go grocery shopping & start cleaning around the house to get things ready for the tomorrow night! I'm having a JAFRA party. skincare stuff that I love, and hand/foot treatment stuff. should be a fun girls night! off to do stuff I go!