Post Run Treats

I had a good night sleep, and was better hydrated this weekend for my long run. I mapped out a 10 miler starting at Walgreens. Usually, I start from my house, but I have some yucky hills around there, plus ending near Walgreens would allow me to pick up my prescription and a post run treat at Starbucks. Do you give yourself any rewards after a nice, long run? I went with a non-fat pumpkin spice latte, YUM.

The run went well, I was by myself again, brain was all over the place thinking things out and looking at all the leaves falling and halloween decorations out for trick or treating tonight. My knees were a little achy (reminding me of why I need to do my strength training). I wore my new pink running skirt, pink CEP compression socks, a short sleeve shirt and arm sleeves, and don't worry, I remembered the glide this week. The running skirt was awesome! Not sure how flattering it was, but I thought it was cute & isn't that what matters? I saw a friend's mom who was out for a walk & I said hello and waved, don't think she recognized me in my running get up. My badass Oakleys can be a little misleading. As I was struggling the last 3 miles or so, I made a deal with myself. If I finished in less than 2 hours, I would go home and buy some new Bondi Bands. I really wanted those damn things, so I pushed through to finish in 1:57:40 @ 11:45 pace, which is almost exactly the pace I was scheduled to run today.

After stopping for my prescription at Walgreens (plus a cool Halloween decoration that I had seen out on my run that was 50% off), and Starbucks for my latte, I can home excited to buy my Bondi bands! Then as I was checking my email, I saw that Road Runner Sports is having a special 25% off for VIPs today only. Hmmmm super tempting. I went to the site to check out my sneakers, and saw they have a pre-order for the Asics GT-2160 10.5 wide in a color besides blue! Stupid to be so excited? Maybe, but they have had nothing but blue in wides FOREVER. I filled up my "shopping cart" with sneakers, socks, sport beans, running pants, and a sports bra. I haven't clicked buy yet.... I am still contemplating. The Bondi Bands however, I picked out 3 for me & 2 for my sister as part of her christmas present (hoping she is not reading). Those I ordered since I made my goal fair & square.

I'd KILL to have Abs like these!
Another exciting thing, is that I was recently given the opportunity to try out a new workout system from the makers of P90X & Insantiy, called Rev Abs. It's a 90 day program with 8 different DVDs to work primarily on core strengthening, but overall strengthening as well. The best part is, they also gave me a set to giveaway to one of you. I'm going to take my pre- Rev Abs measurements & pictures today & begin the program on Monday. I figure it will be a perfect after work stress reliever, & since most of the DVDs are 40 min or under, it won't take up too much of my night. I'll post some updates along the way as I try things out, and at the end of the 90 days give a full review with before/after pictures. Then we will have a giveaway so one of you can see what you think.

My plan for this weeks workouts is:
Monday: AM- elliptical @ gym, PM- Rev Abs Total Strength & Mercy Abs
Tuesday: AM- Speedwork Run  PM- Rev Abs Fire up your Abs
Wednesday: AM- elliptical  PM- Rev Abs Power Intervals
Thursday: AM- 5 mile Tempo run  PM- Rev Abs Total strength & Mercy abs
Friday: AM- off  PM- Rev Abs Fire up your Abs
Saturday: Rev Abs Power Intervals
Sunday: Long run 9 miles

Wish me luck on sticking to it! Have a fun & safe Halloween! Congrats to everyone who raced this weekend!

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