Today I turn 28, and it seems like no big deal. I haven't really felt anything eventful since 25 when I could rent a car, so I'm not thinking I'll feel any type of different until I hit 30 or so.
I Love all of my family, friends, bloggers, and facebookers that have wished me a happy birthday and care enough to send me a thoughtful message.
I Love that I am running longer & more often than ever. I have been consistent with my long runs for the first time ever & it feels amazing.
I Love knowing that I will kick ass & kill my time from last years Manchester Road Race on thanksgiving
I Love coming home to a nice glass of red wine
I Love that my mom is making dinner tonight
I Love that the stuff from Sephora I ordered, came in today
I Love my new Garmin. Thanks a million to Mike @ 26.2 is my cooldown. I used it on my long run yesterday & absolutely LOVED seeing all the results uploaded on my computer. I'll talk more about it later.
showing off my new favorite toy! |
I'm busy making cupcakes (weird I'm making birthday cupcakes on my birthday, right?), for one of my patient's at work. His birthday is tomorrow, so I'm baking cupcakes for him and his roomates to throw a little party. Then I'm off to mom's house for dinner (I specifically requested no cake), and presents. Have a good night!