Part One: Financial
'The medical elite have resumed their offensives against natural medicine. At the same time the most elite private bank in the world just decided to print 600 billion odd dollars, creating a lot more counterfeit legal tender funny money for the American government to misspend and be cruel with. It is all about money and power, after all, and about abuse by the modern day kings and queens, emperors, pharaohs, dukes, princes and princesses ending up on top as they usually do.
The rich have never been richer and the middle class is being crushed in order to sustain them at the pinnacle of power and wealth. Things are finally getting into the open though and there are just certain kinds of people who cannot stand up to the light of day preferring the darkness as they do – in their domains of manipulation and deceit. In the medical area, for instance, vaccination rates are going down, meaning that more and more well informed (via the Internet) parents are seriously doubting the official pharmaceutical story, enough to keep four percent more kids away from those sharp needles loaded with nasty substances.'
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