'Times were simpler, back when we could just take our concerns to our elected representatives to be ignored. But thanks to Canada's "international obligations", it won't be long before we can't even decide to take a particular vitamin unless a committee of foreign bureaucrats tells Health Canada it's okay, and our representatives, our opinions, and our votes will become redundant.
'This fifteen-minute [below] video gives you the hard outline of the big picture, and encourages the viewer to color between the lines. People need to discover its depth for themselves, to realize how urgent it is that they become politically aware, and fast. Your health freedom is not the only thing at stake: your right to consume non-GMO food, your right to due process of law, your right of redress against your government, indeed the very rule of law, the supremacy of law over everyone, including the government, all are on the brink, right now.'
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