I Can't get up!

Seriously. Who throws their back out while sitting on the couch writing a blog post? Me apparently. I've been slightly out of alignment for a couple weeks, nothing major. All the sudden, I got a huge jolt of pain in my low back and I couldn't move. I managed to get myself laying on the couch. I tried to get up and couldn't. It reminded me of the time my back was so bad 6 years ago I spent an hour on the floor waiting for my mom to get home and help me. Kevin & my roomie were both at class, and I dropped my mom at the airport last night. I thought of calling a friend nearby to come help, but the door was locked, they wouldn't even be able to get in.  I called Kevin crying and left him a message to come home. Then, I managed to get semi-upright. I used the furniture to get to an ice pack in the freezer, then even made it upstairs for ibuprofen & muscle relaxers.

Kevin made it home an hour or so after and helped take care of me to get me up to bed. At some point during the night, I made it onto my stomach, big mistake. I got stuck around 5am. I couldn't roll over, I was dying in pain, and sweating it was so hot. I managed to tell Kevin "I'm either gonna throw up for pass out." I'm always a courteous passer-outer. I can usually tell someone before I do it at least. I came to sweating, Kevin was elevating my legs. Needless to say I decided I wouldn't be going to work today, and I convinced Kevin to stay home with me. He took me to the doctors a little while ago to get some new prescriptions since I ran out of my muscle relaxer stash.

So, I never made it to my run yesterday (drained after the funeral), and obviously I didn't make it today. With New Orleans 3 weeks away, I hope I can at least get my long run in on sunday!

Back to TV, napping, and reading!

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