PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW! "This film presents great information about the nature of the problem we face, about the nature of how doctors are educated , about the depth of problems in chemo therapy, and much more" David Wolfe
ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL! "I urge anyone who has cancer, and everyone who knows someone with the disease, to get hold of this thoroughly researched DVD. It feels like a break-through in the application of know- ledge. " Alistair Forrest
"While watching this movie one comment grew stronger and stronger...........
MANDATORY ........ This documentary should be mandatory for healthy and sick, for old and young and for patients and practitioners alike"
Dr. Jaques Gupillion (Paris)
Despite what you’ve heard, there is a cure for cancer!
"This enlightening and empowering film presents a brilliant compilation of techniques and resources to activate the body’s innate ability to heal from a so-called “incurable” disease. Every human should see this movie! In addition to guidance for healing cancer, it teaches how to attain optimal health and take preventative measures so that cancer never arises."
Jordan New (Colorado)
"CANCER Is Curable NOW" is amazing!
"Well done on reporting the truth about Cancer, and the ways in which we can heal. The information in this documentary is both informative and outstanding and a MUST SEE for anyone with cancer or illness. I have had a serious health condition for many years and been on my own long healing journey. I wished I had this DVD many years ago, it would certainly have shown me more options and treatments available. A very timely film!"
Sandra Bottrell (Sydney)
The wisdom in this movie exceeds everything out there
"You have compressed, and far exceeded my 5 year learning curve with this movie.
I thought there is nothing I did not know, but I have to admit, I barely scratched the surface. The wisdom in this movie exceeds everything out there."
Instead of telling you about the movie we thought we'd reveal what's in it. The information given in the movie transforms your life and provides you with all the tools you need to take charge of your own health. We have avoided hype, false claims and marketing strategies which are only designed to make you pull your purse. The information provided is factual and scientifically proven.
Find out more...(and buy the DVD)
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