I'm not a fan of clutter. Since I was little, Dad would ask me "Do you WANT it or NEED it?" which taught me to use my own discretion towards material possessions. Beauty to me is about simplicity. I love how in the film Amelie that she finds pleasure and beauty in the most simplest things like cracking the top of her creme brulee, dipping her hands into bags of grains and skimming stones down the river.
With all the tragic floods in QLD this year, we've seen images of people left with nothing but the clothes on their back. I saw a lady showing a tv reporter through the child care centre where she worked that had been completey gutted by the raging flood waters. Yet I see spoilt toddlers walking around decked out in the latest trends on a daily basis and it baffles me. It really puts having the latest iPhone or third pair of boots into perspective.
Take some time this week to take any kids clothes, toys and books that aren't getting used into the opshop so someone less fortunate can have some joy, pass on books you won't read again and only buy the things you really need and love.
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" -Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519
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