Friday is here!
My big plans for the weekend?
1. Dinner at Cheesecake Factory tonight with the man (promise I'll watch my food intake starting tomorrow)
2. Massage tomorrow morning after a workout
3. Work in the afternoon, followed by girls trip to the Casino!
4. Write out my triathlon training plans for my May 1st race (I need to get in the pool)
4. Sunday running with Shelley then making Green Tu-tus for our St Pattys race!!
I have been watching you-tube videos on tu-tu making..
Anyone have any Tu-tu tips or suggestions? Any ideas of how much Tulle (sp?) we will need for adults around size 12?
Also.... have you donated to my Run to Home Base Fundraiser yet?
The money goes to an awesome cause, Injured war vets of Afghanistan & Iraq. I'm sure we all know someone who has served and we're grateful for the service they provide. So please help me show it by giving back!!
Plus you can win some AWESOME prizes, check it out HERE!
Last week, Kayla won an Allied Steel Medal Display Hangar of her choice!
This weeks winner is....
Elizabeth @ Canyon Cairns!!
please email me with your prize choice!
Hope everyone has a great weekend planned!
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- Fundraising for a great cause!
- What I'm excited about...
- Last 3 winners!
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- Happy Weekend!
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- Prizes!
- I've found it! (plus giveaways & winners!)
- Raffle Winner!
- This is how my weekend is going so far..... (plus a giveaway winner!)
- germs, vegas, and prizes!
- Disney Sneak Peak!
- First Raffle Winner!!
- when boredom strikes...
- Home Base Raffle
- weekend plans & Gu winner!
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- Sneak peaks: weather, raffle, and sweaty band winner!
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- I've been naughty...
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- What I'm excited about...
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