Written by Thomas Corriher
The Health Wyze Report
'CNN recently ran a report titled, Ginger May Help Chemo Patients With Nausea. Wow! This means that modern medicine (allopathy) 'discovered' that ginger is useful in 2009. This is especially underwhelming for people knowledgeable about traditional medicines, because they have already known this for... what... 4,000 years and counting. I never cease to be underwhelmed by what allopathic medicine offers us, but for some reason snake oil comes to mind. This was supposedly news, because establishment doctors "discovered" and "proved" that ginger was useful, in 2009 no less.
Perhaps ginger's effects were never "discovered" before now because it cannot be patented by the pharmaceutical cartel, and therefore it cannot be "regulated" by the industry. With all the backlash against chemotherapy now, perhaps they felt that they had better throw us a bone to keep the restless natives at bay. However, they just could not leave it at that. They have been running their cons so long that they just could not stop themselves.'
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