Oakland gardener questions need for permit to sell produce

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Author, farmer and Ghost Town Farm blogger, Novella Carpe... Kat Wade / Special to The Chronicle

Author, farmer and Ghost Town Farm blogger, Novella Carpenter peels an onion in her backyard farm in Oakland, Calif. on Wednesday, March 30, 2011, Carpenter, cancelled her usual Wednesday Farmstand after Oakland City officials closed her down Tuesday stating that she needed a Conditional Use Permit for growing vegetables for $2500 in addition to the $2500 fine for noncompliance. 

Kat Wade / Special to the ChroniclePhoto: Kat Wade / Special to The Chronicle


'Carpenter milked goats, made cheese and ate much of the produce. She also wrote a popular book, "Farm City," about the experience and became an icon of the Bay Area's urban farming movement.

But the future of her Ghost Town Farm is in question. This week, Oakland officials suggested it may need to close. The reason: She sells excess produce and needs a costly permit to do so.
"It seems ridiculous," said Carpenter, 38. "I need a conditional use permit to sell chard?" '


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