PROTEIN: Ovi the biggest thing in lifting supplementation.. but you are feeding into the GNC scam and didn't even know it!
IT IS NOT 1g PER POUND!!!!!!!!!! I will argue with anyone who wants to tell me differently, so bring it on. Your body literally CANNOT metabolize that much protein.. so you are just peeing it out. Which in turn you are:
1. Causing kidney failure (Why do you think that body builders die early? Hum I wonder)
2. Wasting your money peeing our protein
So what is it? It is 1g per kilogram body mass. Here is how you calculate this:
1. Weight in pounds divided by 2.2 = weight in kg
2. Weight in kg x 0.8-1.8 gm/kg = protein gm.
Example: 154 lb male who is a regular exerciser and lifts weights
154 lbs/2.2 = 70kg
70kg x 1.5 = 105 gm protein/day
Strength training requires from 1.4-1.7 g which is what you times your kg body weight by to see your protein range. This mean your body literally can't metabolize more than 1.8g/kg. So if you are consuming protein in your meals you do not need the full 1.7g in your post workout meal. So when I mix my shake up I use 1 scoop.. which the label says to use 3. This saves me money and doesn't dehydrate my body, killing my kidneys.
Anther biggie is to make sure you are hydrating pre/durning/post workout. A good way to see how much you need to consume is to weight yourself pre/post workout. For every pound you lose you need to drink a quart of water to replace it. My fav thing is to watch girls weight themselves after a workout because they actually think they lost that weight on the elliptical.. like girl you just lost water which you will gain right back.
Wanna get cut and big? Guess what> You have to pick one you cant do both. Again if you would like to argue with me bring it now.
Wanna get cut? Stop eating carbs plain and simple. Especially white bread! People come up to me alllllll the time like how can I get flat abs... Well I saw you at Chipotle earlier shoving that burrito down your throat you didn't seem to want flat abs then.
>If you stop eating carbs your body will start eating the fat around your abs or whatever else you are looking to slim down. Don't get me wrong tho.. you don't need to completely need to stop eating them completely but eat a lot less and make sure you are still eating enough so that your body doesn't break down the protein in your muscle. (I would suggest to not eat carbs after breakfast)
Oh and stop drinking beer! Or just stop drinking. 1 shot/beer is roughly 100cals so say you have 5 (and I know on a good weekend you drink more than that) now look at the calories adding up.. welcome to freshmen 15.
A big focus should be to put on lean muscle which would require more rep less weight (3 set, 15-20 rep) and add long periods of low intensity cardio to burn that fat (40-50min at 70%)
Wanna get big? Eat more.. like a lot more! I'm talking if you are consuming roughly 2000 cals a day you need to take it up to like 4500 to really put some serious weight on.
Focus should be more weight less rep (3 sets, 4-8 rep)
Pyramid sets are m fav for this.
LOSS/GAIN: To put this in prospective for anyone that wants to put on weight or take it off- say you cut/added 500 cals a day that give you a loss/gain of 1lb a week. (3500Cals= 1lb).
1. figure out how much you want to gain/lose
2. times by x3500
3. divide this by the week span you want to accomplish this by
4. divide this by 7 (days in a week)
-this give you an idea of the cals you need to add/take out of your diet per day.
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