Sports Nutrition

I live and breathe nutrition because it is my major but for all of the athletes out there that are looking to improve this could make you more aware of what you are putting in your body on a regular basis. First off just because you are not in season, this does not give you the green light to do whatever/ eat whatever you want but I'm sure I am preaching to the choir. In exercise/competition we are using the stored energy in our muscle tissue. So guess what? This doesn't happen over night. When you are preparing n training for comp every trainer focus is what kind of muscle tissue to build on the skeleton.

ie endurance athletes need slow twitch muscle fiber. This is increasing mitochondria in muscle cells (giving you a higher yeild of energy storage so you can last a long time).

But for you strength athletes you want to build that fast twitch muscle fiber so that you can get power and speed fast (less ATP which causes you to get tired more quickly). So you are probably thinking.. What does this even mean and why do I care right? Well here are some big rules to abide by in my book.

1. Protein + Carb complex: For all you meat heads that gulp down your big protein shakes after a workout this is for you. Did you know that eating carbs with the protein makes you store about 30% more protein in your muscle tissue? (Why do you think trainers tell you to drink chocolate milk post workout?). So sit down and eat a sandwich with that protein. Athletes have the perception that they need so much more protein then the average person.. But really they just need more calories. So technically you could get the extra protein through food easily (but I don't blame you the protein shake is easy).

Moral of the story eat SOMETHING! Anything! And do it ASAP. The longer you wait to eat, your body is just breaking down the protein in your muscle you just spent so much time at the gym building up (yes ur body is literally eating itself).

2. What you consume pre-workout/comp is a biggie too. Everyone knows the team football dinner the night before a game right? Well eat a hefty meal fellas. Your body needs to store energy in your muscles to use the next day. So what should you eat? Say it with me: CARBs and as much as you can (pasta, bread, cereals). Little protein because your body doesn't break this down until it absolutely has to.. So focus on carbs and fat. Stay away for fiber. So I give you the go pass to eat as much white bread as you want for once!

The most important thing is to hydrate! Water water water. Force it.

3. Eat nutrient dense foods. What's that mean? That means put the bag of Doritos I the trash along with that Mnt Dew! Whole grains, veggies, fruits and protein! Calcium is a biggie! I know you are not getting enough as an athlete. So go ahead and add a big glass of milk to two of your meals. Why?

Calcium plays a HUGE role in muscle contraction... And a huge role in almost every process of the body. So just do it! Especially girl athletes... I can not stress it enough. Let's just say if ur not, you are sending your body into early menopause and once that happens you can't go back girlfriend (take BC it will stop that!).

Calcium isn't the only mineral to focus on so that's why you need to eat nutrient dense food and maybe consider a multi-vitamin.

Athletes put their bodies through strenuous competitions and workouts everyday.. So focus on what you put in your body and in turn it will help you in your exercise. Why don't you want to be the best you can be? Give your body the energy it needs and it will compete to the fullest of its ability.

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