13.1 Reasons to Run a Half Marathon

Today's guest post is from Kristin @ Bigger Girls Can Run Too!
Kristin and I live fairly close to each other and I got to meet up with her & Kristin from Hollywood Runs at the Red Dress 5K in West Hartford (check out our meetup HERE)! This Kristin is training for her first half marathon, the Hartford ING Half Marathon (which I'm doing too, yay!). Make sure to check out her blog HERE!

out guest blogger, me, & Hollywood Runs!

HELLOOOOOOO Readers! I’m SO excited to be doing my first Guest Blog post!
Let me intro myself a bit: My name is Kristin and I am a runner. Actually, I’m a newbie runner and I’m training for my first half marathon this coming October. I started running about last September when I decided to do my first 5k. Since then, I’ve become rather addicted to my run/walk lifestyle and have completed 4 5ks so far this year. Running is more than just about the bling for me though, it’s also about losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

Anyway, Stephanie asked me if I would be willing to do a post for her while she is out of town. My reply, “ABSOLUTELY!”. Then, I had to figure out what I was going to write about. The other day I came across an article on Active.com entitled ‘13.1 Reasons to Run a Half Marathon’ and I decided that would be a fantastic topic to discuss. 

For those of you have or will soon be running a half marathon, why do/will you do it?
Let’s see what Active.com says:

1. It's a challenging, but manageable distance. I think this a relatively true theory. Lately 3 miles doesn’t seem to be too much effort for me anymore. And granted, the next logical step would be to run a 10k, but I’m an overachiever and I went straight to half-marathon. 

2. You're not ready for a full marathon. Amen! I don’t know if I will ever be ready to do a full marathon. 

3. There are countless races to choose from. Also true- Rock and Roll Half, ING Half, Diva Half , Disney Half… and that’s just to name a few that I want to do in the next year or so haha

4. You have a thing for bling. Umm… what runner doesn’t? Sometimes I need something shiny to distract me from the pain of my run.

5. You're contemplating ramping up for a full marathon. Nope. Actually I’m not. But some of you might be.

6. You want to recover quickly. Yes, yes I do. I’m not really a fan of pain. I don’t mind that sore feeling you get when you’ve pushed yourself, but I’m not into crippling myself for a few days. I’m a wuss.

7. There is less injury risk with a half marathon versus a full marathon. That’s a super awesome plus for me. I come from a long line of accident-prone people, I need all the help I can get.

8. You like to party. Again, what runner doesn’t like to party every now and again? Although I’ve never been to a half marathon function yet, I’ve heard and read stories. I’m excited to go to the booths and dinners before and after the race. 

9. You want to take your running fitness to the next level. I very much would like to take my running fitness to the next level. And considering I’m only on level 1, the only place I can go is up, right? Sweet.

10. You want to burn some extra calories. I’m all about burning as many calories as possible, within reason of course. That’s why sometimes I do a few hours of Wii Just Dance as my cross-training. Fun and one heck of a caloric burn!

11. You want new kicks. I’ve already bought my second pair of running shoes and am currently searching for my third pair that I can wear for the Disney Princess Half in Feb. (If anyone spots some neutral based teal shoes, let me know please!)

12. Your wardrobe needs upgrading. I have to admit, running and workout clothes have started to take over my drawers and closet. And I’m okay with it. 

13. You like to travel. I love to travel and that’s part of why I want to do the Rock and Roll Half, the Disney Half and the Diva Dash- because I get to go to so many fun places!

13.1. It's there. Basically, once I’ve completed a race, I want to do another. I find most runners are the same way. We are constantly training with multiple races in mind. As soon as we reach and complete one goal, we are off on another. I love it.

So, those are the reasons Active.com provided (with some of my own insights). What do you think? Do your reasons match up? Are there other reasons you have for running or wanting to run 13.1 miles that they didn’t think of? One that I have is that it’s something I’ve always wanted to do for myself- something I am able to cross off my bucket list. I want to prove to myself that I am able to commit to a lifestyle change and finish what I’ve started. (No pressure, right?)

No matter what your reasons, always remember that you are part of an amazing group of people! I mean seriously, how many people do you know that would willingly go out and run 13.1 miles just because they want to? Not many. Most people I know would rather sit on the sidelines and cheer (with a beer in their hands, of course). So, when you get down and out because maybe you’re having a rough day or you’re not progressing as fast as you hoped you had, remember the reasons you are running in the first place. I guarantee it will give that much needed motivational boost!

Cheers Darlings!


Do you have any reasons to add to the list?

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