Government Protects "the Children" From Parents and Raw Milk

This dumbed-down piece on
the website Real Raw Milk Facts is one of the most inept propaganda
pieces I have ever seen making the case against raw milk. The author of
the piece, Richard Raymond, invokes hyperbolic history and distorted
facts to make the case that, under no instance, should any person be
able to freely purchase raw milk. Among the many reasons he wants to see
federal laws against the sale and purchase of raw milk: the CDC and the
FDA do not endorse raw milk. He writes:

'Laws are written for a reason, usually to help keep us
safe. Parents who find ways to circumvent the laws should be held
responsible when their children suffer because of their actions.

But to buy this product and feed it to your children? Might as well
lock them in your car on a 100 degree day while you stop by the casino
to try and win the jackpot.'  "


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governemnt intimidation of raw milk farmers
benefits of raw milk

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