“This dumbed-down piece on
the website Real Raw Milk Facts is one of the most inept propaganda
pieces I have ever seen making the case against raw milk. The author of
the piece, Richard Raymond, invokes hyperbolic history and distorted
facts to make the case that, under no instance, should any person be
able to freely purchase raw milk. Among the many reasons he wants to see
federal laws against the sale and purchase of raw milk: the CDC and the
FDA do not endorse raw milk. He writes:
'Laws are written for a reason, usually to help keep us
safe. Parents who find ways to circumvent the laws should be held
responsible when their children suffer because of their actions.
But to buy this product and feed it to your children? Might as well
lock them in your car on a 100 degree day while you stop by the casino
to try and win the jackpot.' "
Related Post:
governemnt intimidation of raw milk farmers
- Declaration of Food Independence unveiled today in Wisconsin; signed by Vernon Hershberger and others
- The Milk Cure for Healing Lyme Disease
- Amish raw milk dairyman Dan Allgyer shuts down his farm in the face of FDA harassment and court injunction
- Sheriff who stood up for Amish farmer against the Feds wins award from peers
- Amish Dairy Farmer Selling Raw Milk Won’t Be Cowed by FDA
- FDA Escalates War Against Amish Dairy Farmers
- California regulators frame Organic Pastures and force raw milk shut down over fabricated E. Coli scare
- Raw milk freedom riders to ride again, to challenge FDA on fetching milk for others across state lines
- Raw Milk Crusader Liz Reitzig: End Prohibition - Legalize Raw Milk! 2/2
- It’s been a good week for food rights
- Raw Milk Freedom Riders - The Revolution Will Not Be Pasteurized
- Farmer’s Month-Long Hunger Strike for Raw Milk: Growing Weak, Vows to Continue to Death
- U.S. citizens urged to speak up for Michael Schmidt and food freedom
- Max Kane and Vernon Hershberger join Michael in his raw milk hunger strike
- Ontario farmer convicted in raw milk case launches hunger strike
- Not your grandma’s milk
- “Perils of Provincialism” : Raw Milk Cheese (French and Americans)
- The Failure of Raw Milk Prohibition
- The War on Raw: Your nanny state boils the milk, but you don’t have to drink it
- Big dairy and FDA teaming up against raw milk farmers sez Business Insider
- FDA Wages Secret War on Raw Milk Farmers Using KGB-style Spying and Infiltration Techniques
- The Latest Raw Milk Raid: An Attack on Food Freedom? (Atlantic Monthly article)
- A National Response to Two FDA Armed Raids on Rawesome
benefits of raw milk
- Raw milk is Under Siege!
- Jury returns not guilty verdict on raw milk farmer Alvin Schlangen in MN
- Why Organic Milk Falls Short on Nutrition
- Declaration of Food Independence unveiled today in Wisconsin; signed by Vernon Hershberger and others
- The Milk Cure for Healing Lyme Disease
- Sheriff who stood up for Amish farmer against the Feds wins award from peers
- Amish Dairy Farmer Selling Raw Milk Won’t Be Cowed by FDA
- California regulators frame Organic Pastures and force raw milk shut down over fabricated E. Coli scare
- Raw milk freedom riders to ride again, to challenge FDA on fetching milk for others across state lines
- Raw Milk Crusader Liz Reitzig: End Prohibition - Legalize Raw Milk! 2/2
- It’s been a good week for food rights
- Raw Milk Freedom Riders - The Revolution Will Not Be Pasteurized
- Farmer’s Month-Long Hunger Strike for Raw Milk: Growing Weak, Vows to Continue to Death
- U.S. citizens urged to speak up for Michael Schmidt and food freedom
- Ontario farmer convicted in raw milk case launches hunger strike
- Not your grandma’s milk
- The Failure of Raw Milk Prohibition
- The War on Raw: Your nanny state boils the milk, but you don’t have to drink it
- Big dairy and FDA teaming up against raw milk farmers sez Business Insider
- A National Response to Two FDA Armed Raids on Rawesome
- Rawesome Foods founder to be prosecuted under special environmental crimes unit in LA
- Massive public protest announced against government-sponsored terrorism of Rawesome Foods in California
- MD Scientifically Proves Raw Milk Safer Than Most Other Foods
mainstream support for raw milk
- U.S. citizens urged to speak up for Michael Schmidt and food freedom
- The Latest Raw Milk Raid: An Attack on Food Freedom? (Atlantic Monthly article)
- BBC to Air The Food Show on Raw Milk
- Missouri court rules in favour of raw milk farmer’s right to deliver product
- Dangers of Pasteurization and Homogenization
- Criminalizing Nature’s Most Perfect Food: FDA’s war on private food contracts
- FOOD FASCISM: Family Farm Ordered to Destroy 50,000 Pounds of Cheese
- The Raw Milk Fight Has Gone from Fringe to Mainstream
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