Disney Marathon Outfit!

I've been seriously contemplating my running outfit for the Disney Marathon. I know I want to dress with a Disney theme, but I can't pull together the final details. I know I want to write in rhinestones "my first marathon", or something like that on the front of my shirt, and my name on the back. I know I want my outfit to include a skirt from Runnkingskirts.com since that is what I wear for every training run and I love my side pockets for my honey stinger chews. So far, here are my thoughts.....

Minnie Mouse: Red mini dot skirt with a black top & my black CEP socks. Red headband and maybe some ears. Problem... Running Skirts is out of the skirt in a size 5. Anyone have one I could borrow?

Snow white: Yellow Running Skirts Skirt (in stock), blue top & red headband
similar to this

Belle: Yellow Running Skirt, yellow top, yellow headband, maybe yellow arm warmers if I can find some
similar to this

Cinderella: If the running skirts pool or aqua is a close enough color....
similar to this

Any other ideas?
What would you choose for me?

Marathon Training Week 12 Recap
Monday- 60 min trainer ride on the bike
Tuesday- Missed my Speedwork run since I was sick with a sinus cold
Wednesday- Missed TRX because of the sinus cold. Managed 1 hour 40 min ride on the trainer while watching the biggest loser marathon.
Thursday- scheduled 10 miles @ PMP... only had time for 8 miles before work.
Friday - Finished up the other 2 miles & threw in 1 more for good measure.
Saturday- Planned on riding the bike trainer and watching Kona Ironman, but instead did miles of walking while shopping like crazy.
Sunday- 13 mile long run. I was so happy since the knee didn't bother me until mile 7, even with tons of hills in Forest Park. I had to take a few stretch breaks, but overall the knee felt a million times better than last weekend, and left me hopeful for the marathon. My running partner S told me she finished her 18 miles in 3:15.... I have a feeling that she may blow me away in the marathon and leave me on my own. I'm trying to decide how I feel about it. At least its at Disney, right?

Nutrition- FAIL. Cheesecake, Cupcakes, Cake pops. OMG I did not do well with eating. My new goal is to cut down on the sweets this week.

Please help me with my running outfit!

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