'In “The Healer's Grail” I outlined our predicament as Earth-dwelling biological entities. We operate on Solar ENERGY in the form of ELECTRONS and must consume Sun-charged phyto-nutrients and metabolize carbon bonds with the help of OXYGEN.

 Opposing life today are mismanaged soils and electrolyte mineral deficiencies, oxidized/damaged fats, processed electron-stripped foods and all manner of toxic metals and organic poisons that lead to acidity, damaging free radical formation and electron shortages...

ALL of which prevent oxygen delivery to mitochondrial motors and the generation of more electrons. When lacking charge, our cell structures become prone to oxidation, so membranes, enzymes, mitochondria and DNA all come under attack, OXIDATIVE STRESS! A “mechanical” approach to healing can address this energy shortage and electron imbalance using a toolbox full of common supplements.' 


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