'This amazing story was sent to me by Melanie, a Mom who has been drinking nothing but raw, pastured milk for over 100 days to heal her Lyme Disease. Nothing else has worked for her over the past 4 years.
Her healing journey is based on the use of raw, pastured milk for reversal of serious illness as practiced in the early 1900′s by the Mayo Foundation, a forerunner of the famed Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota.
If this story is of interest to you, read more about The Milk Cure 2012.'
Here is Melanie’s story ….
From Normal Mom to Near Invalid
'Four years ago I was an active wife and mother: cooking, cleaning, running errands, volunteering at my daughter’s school – the usual “stay at home” mother activities. Without warning, I suddenly became very ill after being exposed to loud noise for several hours.
I developed excruciating pain in both ears and was subsequently diagnosed with “hyperacusis”, painful sensitivity to sound. I could not bear any noise louder than normal conversation without intense pain and became confined to my home. At about the same time, I began suffering from severe insomnia and night sweats, and I began to rapidly lose weight.'
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