Amateur photography

Something about Ava’s rosy cheeks, tiny feet, and chubby little wrists make me wish I was a professional photographer.  I find myself toting Ava and a blanket into the backyard rather frequently for “photo sessions” – none of which produce very good pictures.

In talking to other moms, I am gathering that this is a relatively common phenomenon, and one that compels some new moms to take photography classes and sometimes even launch new careers as photographers. I haven’t gone so far as to take a class or quit my day job, but I will say that the “Camera Roll” on my iPhone is embarrassingly full, and I have done my share of adding to the billions of baby and kid photos strewn across Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and the like (sorry, Facebook friends).

So, here are some shots from recent backyard photo shoots with our little peanut. (Actually, the one with the red hat was in the car).

Just look at those toes. Aren’t they scrumptious?

Rachel Raya is director of Internal Stakeholder Communications for Texas Health Resources and Mom to the very photogenic Ava.

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