Tired Weekend

                                                          Source: Uploaded by user via Renee on Pinterest

After a weekend of working both saturday and sunday, I'm exhausted. Throw the time change on top of that & I'm ready for bed. When I get stuck working the weekend, it throws me all out of whack. I don't get workouts in, I eat like junk, and I'm super cranky. Thank goodness I have tomorrow off from work!

The one thing I am happy out?

Look at this weather!!
High 60s, low 70s.... I'm in heaven!
This means I'm planning a run tomorrow before a swim lesson, then a day of shopping (clothes, blender). I cannot wait to get out there in the gorgeous sunshine and fresh air. It's just what I need after 7 days straight of working.

My one accomplishment today?

Kale chips!
I've been wanting to try making these forever, and finally took the plunge. I ripped up Kale leaves, then tossed them in a bowl with olive oil, salt & parmesan cheese. Baked on a cookie sheet in the oven at 300 for 25 minutes. I was a little skeptical, but they got thumbs up from the roomie, Kevin & Me.

Time to relax with a lifetime movie and prepare for a fresh start tomorrow.

Don't forget my LARABAR giveaway HERE.

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