Increasing milk supply

During eight months of exclusive pumping, I’ve been very fortunate to be able to produce enough breast milk for my little Jake. Most months I even had enough excess to build up quite a nice freezer stash.

Lately my five pumps per day (which is about all I can squeeze in these days) have been producing around 35 ounces total, which is exactly what Jake eats in a day. Not having that cushion of a few extra ounces makes me nervous. I could certainly dip into my freezer stash if we suddenly needed more, but I would love to be able to donate it to a local milk bank.

If I want to make a few ounces more in a day, I know the best way is probably to add in another pumping session (increase in demand = increase in supply, right?). I’m wondering if any Moms out there have tried any natural ways rumored to help increase supply: like mother’s milk tea, oatmeal, lots of water, one dark beer, Gatorade, etc. Have any of these things worked for you? Anyone have other advice on ways to increase supply?

Side note: major kudos to all the breastfeeding Mamas out there. Keeping supply up using the pump takes diligence, patience, and a commitment to the labor of love. I still set an alarm to yank myself out of a blissful sleep in the middle of every night to pump because I feel like it’s important to my supply, and while I really look forward to the days of getting a full night’s sleep again I know there will never be another time I can do this for my little one.

Megan Brooks is a Sr. Public Relations Specialist, Stepmom to a 12-year-old and Mom to an 8-month-old who loves his Mama's milk.

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