
I'm sorry I've been so quiet on the blogging front lately, but I've had a bit of a tough time lately.

I kind of had a breakdown the other day.
I jumped on the scales for the first time in months - bad idea - and was really disappointed with what I saw.
I've lost weight. Back down to around 54.

I've been so careful about making sure I've been eating enough; most nights I even make myself eat an extra few tablespoons of nut butter before bed just in case, but I've still lost?!

I've got to step up my game. Changes are underway in my diet. I'm speaking to a trainer next week - I'll share more with you then.

But this breakdown forced me to look really hard at myself. I've started organising my life to reduce stress as much as possible - I'm already seeing the benefits.
  • I wrote up a finances board (debts, weekly expenses, savings...)
  • I've begun writing to-do lists at night for the following day
  • I did a clean out of my room. This actually came at a really good time; I planned on giving my stuff to the op shop but a family we know just had their house burn down and they were left with nothing. My trash became their treasure and I feel so happy that I was able to help so much :)
  • I wrote my 2013 resolutions, organised into: Self, Fitness, Career/Study, Finances
  • I've started compiling an inspiration and goal board to refer back to when I'm lost
  • I've started a personal diary
I don't care if I'm labelled 'The Freaky Organisation Girl' - this is one of the best things I've ever done for myself! I feel like this is a major step in the continuation of my recovery and finding myself again.

Now, life updates?
  • I've been working more lately because Christmas is drawing near - Target is crazy central right now!
  • The weather is also improving - still inconsistent but summer is definitely here- thankyou Melbourne! :D
  • Yesterday I went for a bike ride down to my nearest gym (only took 15mins!) and organised a 3-day trial membership before I sign up for a full, paid membership. My 3 days are Wed-Fri next week, so pumped! Finally I can step up from the weights I've got at home and start some more serious lifting - also be able to speak to trainers about my routines, weight gain, even my future career!
  • And my Christmas present from mum and dad arrived in the mail the other day (I chose it but I'm pretending I don't know anything about it ;) ), a Polar HeartRateMonitor Watch! :D

I plan on doing some more posting later today to catch up - recipes, workouts, plans, other random stuff. But I hope you all have a lovely day! I'll be spending mine pumping weights, tanning whilst writing the previously mentioned posts and tonight I'm house cleaning for a friend - easy and fun money!


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