
So I've decided that in preparation for deciding whether the sprint distance Tri is a good idea, I will put myself though swim, bike & run workouts this week & see how it goes. I didn't make it to the gym yesterday AM, so I went swimming last night. I thought I read somewhere that 1/4 mile swim was equal to 17 lengths of a pool (not sure if it's true yet) & I did over that so I felt pretty good. Swam for about 20 minutes total. Came home & Kevin & I made sausage & Pepper Calzones for dinner, YUM!

This morning waking up for the gym was tough at 5am, so I decided to go back to sleep & retry at 5:30am to get to the gym for 6 & get a quick run in. I did some interval training for 30 minutes, and felt pretty good, although my foot was getting a little sore, so I came home to ice while I ate breakfast. Tonight I'm going to Spinning with my sister (16, she just joined my gym). I haven't been to a Spin class in.... well maybe years. I will have to dig out my bike seat cushion to get ready. So far this week, good food choices are keeping me on track.  I really hope I can do this Tri... I think it would be a nice motivation to get me back into working out like I'm used to!

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