DC here I come (and a raffle winner!)

I'm so tired, and my wake up call is set to be too early tomorrow. I need to leave here by 5:30 to get to my brother's place by 7:15, then off to the airport. I cannot wait for the expo (more sweatybands?), and I'm excited for the race. I decided to bring outfit #1 & #3.... we'll see what the weather is like.

This weeks raffle winner is....

hooray!! email me with your prize choice!

Have you donated yet?? Check out the page HERE to make a donation & be eligible for a prize next week!

I also have to pick a winner for my Gone for a Run giveaway.... but I am exhausted and need to wake up at 4am for my flight, so I'll do it Monday when I get home!

Wish me luck! If you'll be there and want to meet up, send me an email or a message on facebook!

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