I had a fabulous run this morning, but skipped my ride with the Competitive Edge girls tonight.
My left knee is bothering me a little, and now that I have signed up for a 5K saturday, I want to be in my best condition to go after that PR!
I've decided to head to West Hartford Saturday & meet up with Kristin @ Bigger Girls Can Run Too & Kristin @ Running to Somewhere! I'm even more excited because I also discovered that one of them is running RnR Providence & the other the Hartford Half, and I am doing both. I love to meet new racing friends!
So tonight I am taking it easy, keeping my eating in check and working on blog stuff & organizing training plans. So exciting! As a sneak peak...
Both books came in the mail yesterday, and I can't wait to dive into them. Especially the recipe book, YUM! There will be reviews and giveaways once I've made it through them thanks to the amazing folks over at Joy Bauer, where we'll be doing a little collaborative work this summer.
oh, and my winner?
My Running on Empty giveaway winner is...
Sarah @ Running on Words!
Ann is doing some serious kick ass work in the weight loss department! I could use a motivational boost from her. Check out her blog & cheer her on!!
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Joy Bauer
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