To race or not to race?

Today I am so incredibly sore from bootcamp yesterday, that I cannot squat to pee. Thank goodness my trainer is off to California for advanced TRX training and will be missing the next 3 sessions. Bad news is, I know my strength training will suffer during that time. No worries, she'll be back right as I begin Marathon Training!!

Now before that marathon training begins, I still have a couple weeks. This weekend leads me to debatable races. I already signed up for the Women's Triathlon in Farmington, CT on sunday over a month ago. 
I have only been swimming once since my last race. It was a 1/2 mile, but it was a pool. I was not feeling good after my open water swim at the last race, and that was only 300 yards. I have not been cycling, and now the rain is keeping me from it. I could have pulled the bike in on the trainer tonight, but instead I laid on the couch. I could tomorrow night, while Kevin's at class. The running I am not concerned with, it's what I've been doing the most of, even though its my weakest sport, its my most comfortable. I have no friends to do this race with, but Kevin would tag along to cheer me on. Do I skip or plow through even though I will have a panic attack in the water probably not be pleased with my performance?

Saturday is a local 5K to support TBI research. The weather is supposed to be perfect running weather, the cost is only $20, the roads are relatively flat, and its 5 min from home in lovely Longmeadow, MA. Hmmm maybe I should go after that under 30 5K I've been dying for?

Should I do the triathlon or aim for the 5K PR?
Or both?!

I faced the music of the scale at my meeting tuesday. 3 pounds in mojitos, desserts, and cheese plates. Totally worth it. Yesterday & today I have counted points, and stayed fairly healthy, working at getting back on track with my nutrition. I know that weight loss would really help me while training for Disney!

What's your advice for me as I get ready to start marathon training?

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