There is a lot of excitement & nervousness in my head right now.
I have wanted to do a 70.3 for over a year now, but the timing just never seemed right. We were unsure of our wedding plans, and I didn't want to undertake training for this big of a race while trying to plan that. One thing I knew, I wanted to get one under my belt before we have kids. So after some discussion the other night, we decided to put off our wedding another year and for me to train for a 70.3.
The butterflies started.
A long swim, a long bike ride. The only part I feel confident about is the half marathon at the end. However, reading books like You are an Ironman and 17 hours to glory inspire me to do it. And weirdly enough, my miserable attempt at the marathon is the major reason why I have the confidence to do it. Knowing that I was able to be out there for 6+ hours made me realize 7-8 hours broken up into different sports wouldn't be that bad. It made me realize that I can tough it out, even when I'm struggling. It taught me that "The only one that can tell you that you can't is you, and you don't have to listen."
I am beyond nervous, but really excited. Kevin has promised to accompany me on training rides, and maybe even a run or 2. He told me he'd do whatever I needed to be successful, which is just what I needed to hear.
I can totally do this.
The jump from Sprint distance to half iron seems big, so I'm hoping to add an Olympic somewhere along the way. The tough part now, is picking which race to do.
August 26, 2012
The August date gives me plenty of time to train & time to get in an Olympic distance race before the big day.
The elevation for the bike & run look great, but I am beyond nervous about an ocean water swim. The only time I swim in the ocean is on vacation. I don't have access to the ocean to practice regularly (not that I typically practice in open water often), although I suppose I could make a couple trips to the beach to purposely train. Swimming is my strongest sport, but my least confident.
The location is great, we could make a nice long weekend of it.
There are a few other awesome bloggers racing that I would LOVE to meet. Jason @ CookTrainEatRace & Jen @Miles Muscles & Mommyhood.
October 7, 2012
The late date would realllly give me a long time to train.
downside is a longer drive (6+ hours), but the possibility to see Kevin's brother and nephews.
We would definitely drive down, so that would add on extra time off from work.
The swim is in a lake, the hills on the bike & run look a little tougher.
June 3, 2012
The date is not far away, so there wouldn't be a ton of time to train.
The location is relatively close to home. The closest of any of the races, so traveling would be much easier.
There is lots to do while I'm racing, so Kevin won't get too bored, he could ride rides and whatnot.
The swim is in a lake, but the bike & run course seem to have pretty good size & frequent hills. I watched a youtube video of Tara from biggest loser saying it was one of the toughest rides of her life. uh oh. It is only a little over an hour away, so in theory I could practice both the ride & run beforehand.
August 19, 2012
Nice late date for training.
Lake Swim, but big 3-9% grade inclines on the bike. I've heard it is an extremely hilly course, but seems like it will be very scenic.
Could turn into a long weekend vacation.
5. Poconos 70.3
September 30, 2012
Plenty of time for training.
Not a horrible driving distance for the race.
Calm swim, pretty good hills on the bike and run.
June 24, 2012
4+ hour drive.
Calm swim, hilly bike & run.
One of my Tough Chik teammates is doing this race.
I am overwhelmed with options.
I wish there was a course with a calm swim and limited bike/run hills.
I'm leaning toward Rev3 Maine as my top choice.
give me your thoughts/feedback!
What do you think?
Here's to 70.3 in 2012!!
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half ironman
Old Orchard Beach
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