Magnet Therapy -- Interesting --


Magnetotherapy, It Can Help You by Ken Wiancko, MD 
 'Conventional medicine has long opposed "alternative" treatment techniques. With many of these, although they provide benefits to those using them, their mode of action was unexplained scientifically. Magneto therapy (treatment of illness with magnetic current) has been extensively researched and the physiology of its benefits documented.'

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The Positive Benefits of BioMagnetics
'The human body floats in a sea of magnetic fields--those of the earth, moon, sun, and other galactic fields. The body is full of magnetic materials. Every cell and atom of the body is a small magnetic dynamo. The body's fields, which are very tiny, are measured in devices called SQUIDS. The earth's field is 100,000 times or more stronger than the body's! We are so dependent on the earth's fields that astronauts in space for long periods require artificial magnetic fields to maintain health. 

Magnetic fields penetrate the body as if it were air. Nothing in the body stands in the way of a magnetic field. The body is 70% or more water, which doesn't reduce or block magnetic fields. A strong magnet held on one side of the hand can easily deflect a compass needle on the other side of the same hand.'


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