In the beginning, I didn't think I could run. In high school I constantly told myself I was not the running type.
I was right.
Then at some point, I though to myself, maybe I could run. I tried a little bit at a time. I decided to sign up for a 5K, trained for it & finished. Then I decided I wanted to run a half marathon, I signed up for Hartford in 2007, but slacked with training and doubted myself. I told myself I couldn't do it.
I was right. DNS.
I signed up for the Kona half marathon with Train to End Stroke with my friend Monica in 2008. I was so busy telling her she could do it, I started to believe that I could to.
I was right. We finished our first half marathon.
I did a couple more 5Ks, half marathons, and set my eye on a triathlon last year. I was beyond nervous, but had 2 friends to cheer on. Can you tell that while I'm convincing others they can do it, I start to convince myself? I told myself that I would make it through the swim, bike & run.
I was right. I teared up crossing the finish line.
With a few more half marathons under my belt, I finally felt ready to tackle my ultimate goal. The Disney Marathon. Every day I tell myself I can do this, that finishing Disney will be amazing. That I can & will stay focused on my training in order to be successful come January.
I will be right.
What will you be right about?
Week 3 Training Recap
Monday- Rest Day! Much needed after the Diva Half Sunday!
Tuesday- Morning Bootcamp. My right lower leg & knee were killing me, full of knots. I couldn't do any of the jumping activities at bootcamp & took it easy. After work, I rode for an hour on my bike trainer while watching desperate housewives. A massage that night, following by a night in my CEP compression socks helped my leg a ton.
Wednesday- Treadmill speedwork. Along with my CEP socks, my knee survived. The speeds were tough, but I made it through every one without having to slack.
Thursday- morning Bootcamp. It was 40 degrees & freezing & she made us go outside!! I was bundled up with gloves and a pullover. I didn't push it too hard since I didn't want to aggravate the knee with another race so soon. Rocked the Zensah sleeves day & night.
Friday- Treadmill Tempo! 1 mile easy @ 5.4 mph, 5 miles @ 5.8mph, 1 mile @ 5.4mph. Tough to get through, but managed to make it with a few stops for more water. I had the treadmill set to random hills to add a little variety.
Saturday- Rest Day. Was hoping to get a bike ride in after work, but had a beer instead. whoops!
Sunday- 10.4 miles in 2:06:45. Average pace 12:11, a little slower than target. We tried a new route with lots of hills to get some practice in before next weekend.
Nutrition- Hasn't been the best, but better than last week. Still need to cut back on the beer. I got in more of my protein shakes, and tracked points a little more, but not consistently. My goal for next week is to track all my points faithfully.
I'm looking forward to a great training week and the Hartford Half Marathon on Saturday!
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