FDA Raids Amish Farm for Raw Milk

Beware! Amish Raw Milk Terrorists Threaten USA...

'The FDA Gestapo's real mission is to stomp out 'Health Freedom' in America -- under the guise of 'PROTECTION' and 'SAFETY,' of course. In reality the FDA operates as a fascist, 'profit-protection-racket' for Big Pharma and Big Agribusiness.'

--Health Maven

'The FDA will spare no one in their zealous protection of your safety. Apparently, those seemingly harmless Amish people are really dangerous. They must be. What other reason could there be for raiding an Amish farm for the—Gulp! Horrible crime of raw milk! Run for the hills! Those Amish folk just may have the ultimate weapon.'

''Joking aside, the FDA really did try to raid an Amish farm for raw dairy. Rather than retelling the tale, here it is as first told by Deborah Stockton:

'In what used to be a free country it seems the FDA even want the Amish to stop drinking raw milk. In a total disregard for his health freedom, agents of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came onto the property of Amish farmer Dan Allgyer, without permission, claiming to be conducting an investigation gents Joshua Schafer and Deborah Haney, from the Delaware FDA office, drove past Allgyer’s "No Trespassing" signs and up his driveway almost to his barn, where Allgyer happened to be outside.

'Allgyer approached the car, the agents got out and Allgyer asked them why they were there. They produced a piece of paper, asked Allgyer if he was Dan Allgyer, which Allgyer confirmed, asked him his middle initial and phone number, entered the information on the paper, told Allgyer they were there to do an inspection and started reading the paper to him, saying it gave them jurisdiction to be there.'


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