'The whole basis for vaccinations is unphysiological. The vast majority of infections enter the body through the nasal passages & the Gastro-Intestinal Tract or the guts. Accordingly 80% of the body’s immune system is situated at these junctures; the first line of defence. Vaccines are injected into deep muscle tissue, a route which literally bypasses one’s natural defences altogether. Thus the body is left vulnerable to live viruses & heavy metals.
Most vaccines are laced with 2 forms of Aluminum (directly linked to early onset Alzheimer’s Disease, Macrophagic Myofasciitis, chronic fatigue syndrome) & Thimerosal Mercury, a devastating neurotoxin implicated in the explosive spread of autism, now at 1 in 67 & linked to psychological, neurological & immunological problems. Heavy metals eventually collect in the brain and linger there for decades, upwards of a lifetime. When combined these toxins render a more lethal form of mercury, mercury ion.
Is it any wonder so many children have contracted Autism during the early stages of development?
A baby has no blood barrier in the brain. The mylene sheath, an insulator which protects the cells, is under-developed. Any exposure to heavy metals during the first 2 years is deadly and unwise. Aluminum causes brain swelling and interferes with the immune system directly. The MMR shot, typically given at 18 months is overwhelming and many children have suffered irreversible brain damage from its impact. And remember children have already accumulated metals in the brain from earlier shots so there is a threshold limit.'
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