By Dr. Mark Sircus
"Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby recently wrote an opinionated piece that deserves a stiff response from me. His newsletter was titled, “Autism, The Misery and Uncertainty Continues.” He writes arrogantly, “Those who have been my subscribers any length of time know where I stand on the mercury-autism link. There isn’t one!” What I would say to him face-to-face is either you are stupid or you have sold out. He goes on to say, “Now a new study has shown yet again that exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines in infancy or in the womb is not associated with an increased risk for developing autism.
"Of course mere facts and good science don’t worry the Internet ‘experts’ who ramble on about conspiracies to hide the truth, as if every scientist and doctor in the world was a corrupted puppet of Big Pharma. They have their prejudice and are not going to let mere evidence sway them from their rigid views. The fact is, as I have said often, kids get autism who have never had any vaccinations, never mind whether with mercury or not.”
Related Post:
autism and mercury
- Autism: A Conspiracy of Silence
- Eric's Life Before and After the Vaccine....
- Flu Shots Contain More than 250 Times the EPA’s Safety Limit for Mercury
- When the Blood Boils
- Two Minutes in the Life of an Autism Mom Vs Normalization of Autismization (caution, strong language)
- Are You Toxic from Mercury?
- Sixth Study in Recent Months Links Mercury in Flu Shots to Brain Damage, Autism
- The Vaccine Cover Up: Why the FDA is Attacking Chelation Therapy
- "Autism: Made in the USA" Film Critics
- A Rebellion in HealthCare
- Deadly Immunity Investigative Report of Government Mercury / Autism Scandal - Part 1 of 3
- Autism Jumps 57% in Just 4 Years
autism and vaccines
- Autism Linked to High-Fructose Corn Syrup
- The Smear Campaign They Used to Try to Shut Us Up
- Smoking Gun Aimed at Vaccines: CDC Study Shows 1 in 6 Children Developmentally Disabled.
- Vaccines Cause Autism Cover-up Press Conference
- The Amish Don't Get Autism but They Do Get Bio-Terrorism
- Gambling with Vaccines: Are you putting your children at risk?
- Vaccine Epidemic
- Studies Demonstrate The More Educated You Are, The Less Chance You Will Vaccinate
- Remember the Children the Vaccine Industry Has Left Behind
- Scientists fear MMR link to autism
- The Vaccine Cover Up: Why the FDA is Attacking Chelation Therapy
- Autism: Study Confirms Increased Rates Correlate with Use of Aborted Fetal Cells
- How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders?
- Why Medical Authorities Went to Such Extremes to Silence Dr. Andrew Wakefield
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines
- Are Vaccines Safe?
- The Phoenicians: Autism Recovery Denial, Drug Profits and the Media’s Flat Earth
- Jenny McCarthy: Who's Afraid of the Truth About Autism?
- What The Pharmaceutical Companies Don't Want You To Know About VACCINES...
- Reversing Autism with Homeopathy
- Deadly Immunity Investigative Report of Government Mercury / Autism Scandal - Part 1 of 3
- Scientific Link to Autism Identified
- Murdoch Tabloids Lynch Dr. Wakefield to Ensure Profits from Deadly Vaccinations Continue
- Autism Jumps 57% in Just 4 Years
all cancer cells contain mercury
- Cancer: Rogue Cells Strike Out on Their Own to Survive in a Hostile Environment
- Polio Vaccine Causes Polio
- Cancer, Aids, and Vaccinations
- Vaccine-Produced Immune Cells May Be Associated with Leukeumia
- Flu Vaccine Damages Children’s Immune System. Is the Risk of Cancer Increased?
- Big Pharma Giving Little Girls Cancer: Alex Jones Report
- Our Ancestors Didn't Die of Cancer ...
- FDA Considers Ban on Mercury Amalgam Fillings
- Are You Toxic from Mercury?
- Selenium: Mercury's Magnet
- Leading Immunologists Condemned Flu Vaccine
- Heavy Metals, Mercury and Cancer
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