How Vaccine Injuries are Hidden from Public View

'The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was established as part of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986. VAERS is sponsored by the CDC and FDA, both vaccine friendly government agencies. Another part of the NCVIA is the establishment of a federal "no fault" compensation program for parents of vaccine injured or killed children. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was set up to award claims to parents through the US Court of Federal Claims. 

Of course, claimants had to establish a causal connection with their child's issues from recent vaccinations. The compensations vary from $250,000 for the death of a child, or a life time of medical coverage for a brain damaged child. The awards are federally funded, "bailing out" vaccine manufacturers from financial liability. The fact that over $1 billion has been paid out since 1986 is the government's secret admission of vaccine dangers.' 


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adverse reactions to vaccines
adverse vaccine reactions
vaccine injury cover-up

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