First, I want to take a minute to thank Scott at Outside PR for hooking me & you guys up with a few exciting giveaways! The first is for a Road ID!
I started running almost 4 years ago, and did my first 5K with my friend Mon. For christmas that year, she bought me a road ID. At that time, I wasn't doing a ton of running outside, but I made sure to strap it on wherever it went. Mon and I are both in the medical fields, I used to be an EMT as well, and she is a firefighter/paramedic. When tragedy or disaster strikes, it is helpful to have identifying information on you, and a contact person to alert of the situation. My Road ID eventually found a permanent home on my fuel belt.
My Road ID |
From their website:
Here are just few reasons why you should make Road ID part of your gear.
1. If you can’t speak for yourself, Road ID will speak for you.
2. Road ID enables First Responders to immediately contact family members and friends.
3. Road ID enables family members to provide additional details about your health or give consent for potentially life saving procedures.
4. Road ID enables hospital staff to locate vital medical records.
5. Road ID can communicate medical conditions or allergy information to medical staff.
6. Road ID can prevent serious delays in treatment by saving crucial time during the “golden hour” of medical treatment.
7. It’s far better to have Road ID and not need it than to need Road ID and not have it. It’s not just a piece of gear, it’s peace of mind.
8. Accidents happen far more than you think they do. Each year approximately 450,000 of us are taken to hospitals unconscious and without identification.
9. Road ID looks good on and makes a statement about your athletic lifestyle – not to mention that studies would probably prove that people that wear Road ID are considerably smarter than those that don’t.
10. Road ID can save your Life. Period.
1. If you can’t speak for yourself, Road ID will speak for you.
2. Road ID enables First Responders to immediately contact family members and friends.
3. Road ID enables family members to provide additional details about your health or give consent for potentially life saving procedures.
4. Road ID enables hospital staff to locate vital medical records.
5. Road ID can communicate medical conditions or allergy information to medical staff.
6. Road ID can prevent serious delays in treatment by saving crucial time during the “golden hour” of medical treatment.
7. It’s far better to have Road ID and not need it than to need Road ID and not have it. It’s not just a piece of gear, it’s peace of mind.
8. Accidents happen far more than you think they do. Each year approximately 450,000 of us are taken to hospitals unconscious and without identification.
9. Road ID looks good on and makes a statement about your athletic lifestyle – not to mention that studies would probably prove that people that wear Road ID are considerably smarter than those that don’t.
10. Road ID can save your Life. Period.
I couldn't agree more, so please get one if you don't already have one! Or win one here!
How to win
leave a separate comment for each
1. Be or become a follower
2. Like Running to Health on facebook HERE
3. Visit Road ID HERE & tell me which Road ID you would want if you won
4. Enter the Road ID Holiday Giveaway HERE
5. Like Road ID on facebook HERE and let them know I sent you!
6. share this on your blog, facebook or twitter (separate comment for each)
forgot to add.... ends 12/21
forgot to add.... ends 12/21
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