A little while ago, I was given the opportunity to review and giveaway a copy of Marshall Ulrich's book Running on Empty: An Ultramarathoner's Story of Love, Loss, and a Record-Setting Run Across America
. I'm a slow reader when I'm busy, but this was a great book, that I spent a little time every night reading until it was done.
Marshall is an ultramarathoner, adventure runner & mountaineer, who at the age of 57 sets out to run across America. The book details his history, and the time leading up to the enormous journey, as well as an incredibly detailed account of the transcontinental run merged with life experiences and lessons throughout.
My favorite part of this book was the fact that it wasn't just a recap of "how the run went down." It was laced with motivational stories, quotes, thoughts, and experiences. In one of my favorite passages is where he is looking for clean socks, and his wife (who is stressed & tired as well), snaps at him & he breaks into tears. He then details his feeling of self-doubt...

We can be our own worst enemies when it comes to those doubts and negative self-talk. Being around people with positive attitudes helps, but ultimately it comes from within... You remind yourself that it's easy to quit but hard to live with it afterward."
Reminds me a little of my post from last week (HERE)
The book is inspirational & motivating from front to back and is a must read in my opinion. The entire book will make you think of pushing yourself, experiencing new things, and appreciating the little things in life.
So who wants to win a copy??
How to Enter
leave a separate comment for each
1. Be or become a follower of my blog
2. Add me to your blogroll
3. Like Running to Health on facebook HERE
4. Blog, tweet, or facebook this contest (1 for each)
I'll pick a winner on July 4th!
Good luck!
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