8 miles and a Tutu!

Today was a gorgeous day for a run!
A little chilly to start, but a million times better than what the weather has been like. It was wonderful to finally get outside for a run with Shelley! We planned for around 8 miles, which may or may not have been a great idea, since this was really my first real run since Disney. I felt great most of the time, but the last 2 miles I was getting exhausted. I guess thats what slacking on my workouts and inhaling girl scout cookies will get me. With 1.5 to go, I told Shelley to go ahead, and come back to pick me up. I spend the rest of that time running/walking, and ended up at the car not far behind her anyways! We finished 8.33 miles in 1:43.

After our usual stop to Starbucks, we headed to my house to start our St Pattys Day 10K Tutus!
We spent some time watching a video on you-tube, then off we went, cutting tulle, and tying it to the elastic.

Starting out....

We started with a pattern of white, green, white, green, green sparkle, repeat. We worked with the elastic tied around my kitchen chairs, took them off to try on a couple times, and finished up with a fabulous result!

Finished product!

So cute for next weekend!
Now that I'm feeling accomplished about my run & Tutu, its time tackle other important things like shopping & laundry, and posting my workout plans later!

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